
As a result of international collaboration in guideline development, the KNGF translates clinical practice guidelines into English to make them accessible at an international level.

International accessibility of clinical practice guidelines in physical therapy makes it possible for physical therapists to use guidelines as a reference for treating their patients. At a national level, countries could endorse guidelines, and adjust guidelines to their local situation if necessary. It also makes international collaboration possible in further development and in the updating process of guidelines.

The World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) has committed itself to evidence-based practice by developing a program, in which development, endorsement and accessibility of clinical practice guidelines is defined as one of the goals. At the same time the European Region of WCPT has installed a working group Professional Issues, also to explore the areas of evidence-based practice and clinical practice guidelines. For questions about KNGF guideline development: please contact [email protected]

In 2017 the ‘KNGF guideline methodology’ took effect (KNGF, 2017). This methodology is adjusted every year, where necessary, based on the experience gained with applying the methodology and (legal) requirements and criteria with respect to the development and content of quality standards, including guidelines (Healthcare Institute of the Netherlands, 2018). The KNGF guideline methodology is therefore a ‘living’ document. In 2019 the KNGF guideline methodology was translated in English.


Clinical Practice Guidelines

Acute Ankle Sprain

Cardiac rehabilitation
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Paramedical guideline on Frail older adults
Low Back Pain and
Lumbosacral Radicular Syndrome
Neck pain
Osteoarthritis of the hip and knee
Remote Healthcare
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Stress urinary incontinence



Position Statements

Phyisical Therapy during COVID-19


Evidence Statements

Motor handwriting problems

in children

Anal Incontinence


Professional Standards

Code of Conduct
Professional Profile